Why is de Broglie’s hypothesis still called a hypothesis and not a “theory”?


Considering that de Broglie’s hypothesis on the wave-particle duality of matter has already had an experimental grounding (the Davisson-Germer experiment), why is it still labelled a “hypothesis”? Are there still reasons why it is still not considered a theory?

In: 6

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> why is it still labelled a “hypothesis”? Are there still reasons why it is still not considered a theory?

There’s not necessarily a deep reason – the name just stuck like that. There are some comparable examples that spring to mind from maths: the Poincaré conjecture is still called that even though it has a proof, while Fermat’s last theorem was called that long before a proof was published. Naming schemes tend to have a lot of random inconsistencies.

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