why is delayed onset muscle soreness…. delayed?


why is delayed onset muscle soreness…. delayed?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

because it is the muscle tightening/stiffening up after being “worked out” that causes the soreness. This stiffening takes a while to happen because it doesn’t start happening until after you’ve stopped moving/working out.

You’ll notice if you just sit relaxed you wont feel sore muscles as much as if you’re moving them/stretching them.

This is also why stretching after you work out is recommended because it helps minimize the extreme stiffening, youll still get sore, just not as sore.

Anonymous 0 Comments

DOMS is usually a by-product of strenuously exercising a particular muscle group. When our muscles get bigger it’s not because we produce more muscle fibers, it’s because the current fibers are tearing down and building up much bigger/stronger. This does not happen all at once though and can progress for days at a time. The pain you feel is your body not introducing more inflammation via movement to an area already under repair. The delayed aspect of it is likely a remnant of an evolutionary advantage our ancestors once had. After all, you’re much more likely going to thrive by running away from a predator if your legs hurt later (when it’s safe to rest) rather than if the pain was felt immediately thereby inhibiting your evasion