Why is driving so exhausting, especially after road trips?


Why is driving so exhausting, especially after road trips?

In: 1

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are on constant alert. Even if you don’t think you are. You check the road. Then the mirrors. Then the dashboard. Then the road. What are the other vehicles doing? Back to the road. You do this constantly for hours. Of course it’s exhausting.

It does not seem difficult because you are used to it, but you do it. But it adds up.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It requires a very high level of focus/ concentration and self discipline, keeping yourself upright, keeping your eyes on the road, anticipating and reacting extremely rapidly to any events.

Then there’s all the minute muscle movements to resist g-forces, as well as the physical impact from being jostled by the road’s surface, etc. It’s really quite an intense activity for both body and mind.