Why is eating/drinking some curdled, moldy or fermented food/drink safe but not others?

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Like, I love kimchi, blue cheese, sauerkraut, beer etc, but I have to consciously remind myself every time that it’s safe and edible and I won’t die if I eat/drink it…

But if I eat or drink certain other stuff I’ll get sick or even worse?

I never understood like, for example, why I can eat yogurt or buttermilk and be just fine, but if I leave a gallon of milk in the fridge too long I’d get sick if I tried to drink it, what gives? I feel like I might know the answer, but figured I’d ask just to get my facts straight. Thanks!

**Edit: A big thank you to everyone that has taken the time to explain this to a full grown adult lol If anyone else has follow up questions, please add those too!**

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“bacteria” is about as broad of a term as saying “animals”. Some are harmless, some are dangerous in certain ways, some are dangerous in different ways.

It’s the same with bacteria. Some are harmless and may even make chemicals that taste good. Others are dangerous because they can make you sick if they get in you (like e coli). Others are dangerous because they poop chemicals that taste bad or are very toxic (like botulism).

The point is: When we ferment food on purpose, **it’s made by deliberately adding a specific type of mold or bacteria that we know is safe and has the desired effect**.

As opposed to when your milk or old food goes moldy, that mold is whatever unknown random species landed in it from the air and started growing.

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