Why is eating/drinking some curdled, moldy or fermented food/drink safe but not others?

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Like, I love kimchi, blue cheese, sauerkraut, beer etc, but I have to consciously remind myself every time that it’s safe and edible and I won’t die if I eat/drink it…

But if I eat or drink certain other stuff I’ll get sick or even worse?

I never understood like, for example, why I can eat yogurt or buttermilk and be just fine, but if I leave a gallon of milk in the fridge too long I’d get sick if I tried to drink it, what gives? I feel like I might know the answer, but figured I’d ask just to get my facts straight. Thanks!

**Edit: A big thank you to everyone that has taken the time to explain this to a full grown adult lol If anyone else has follow up questions, please add those too!**

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bacteria poop.

Different bacteria have different chemicals in their poop based on their digestive process. For example, a handful of anerobic bacteria produce the botulism toxin. The bacteria themselves would be harmless if they happened to land on your food – but if that food was improperly canned, and they were allowed to grow anaerobically for a few weeks, the waste they leave behind could kill you.

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