Why is endometriosis so difficult to cure?


Why is endometriosis so difficult to cure?

In: 20

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Endometriosis is not a priority condition
ك Worse, it means we still don’t fully understand what causes the disease, making it difficult to develop a cure. Women with symptoms must first see a GP to receive a referral to specialist care for diagnosis and surgical treatment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Endometrium cells get outside the uterus where they are not supposed to be, and they cause havoc by gluing together internal organs. They are living cells and there is no way really to get rid of them all. These are a natural part of the body, so the natural defense systems of the body will not attack them. They multiply each hormone cycle. Surgery can only get some of it. Drugs like Lupron can hold the condition at bay for a while, or being pregnant can stop the spread of the cells. The only permanent end to the condition is a full hysterectomy including removal of the ovaries where they also remove as many of the lesions as possible.

Anonymous 0 Comments

New study tries to classify every different type of endometriosis https://au.news.yahoo.com/breakthrough-disease-affecting-one-nine-011328249.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=ma 

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, for starters we still don’t know why someone gets endometriosis. Old theories like retrograde menstruation have not conclusive evidence. They are new studies popping up, one cites finding a bacterial link.
It has been found in embryos, in people without a uterus and in/on every organ in the body.
On top of that there are different types of endometriosis lesions meaning that some grow much faster than others or behave differently when treated with medication.
It’s very hard to pinpoint the disease which makes it hard to treat.
Endometriosis is not curable as of current medical standards. It is a chronic illness that many people deal with their entire life.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly, I suspect part of the reason is a systemic disdain and disregard for womens’ health in the corrupt medical system. A shocking number of unique womens’ health issues all just so happen to remain “very difficult to understand/cure” for decades on end. They don’t even make artificial hearts in women’s sizes the last I heard.

I’m sure the situation will gradually be improved with more awareness and more women getting into medicine, but it pisses me the hell off and the crime of the medical world treating men as the priority patients who are the standard for humanity and women as outlier cases that nobody really gives a shit about really needs to be talked about more.