Why is every new movie considered to be the #1 movie in america?


Why is every new movie considered to be the #1 movie in america?

In: 32

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re usually referring to that week’s box office. The highest grossing film of the week is the #1 box office. We split the box office into domestic and global, so if it’s #1 in all countries they could say “#1 movie in the world.” If it stays the #1 spot for a handful of weeks (as many blockbusters will) then they could say “#1 movie in the world/ America for X weeks!”

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because meaningless marketing terminology is effective with the target customer demographic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. 1 movie can mean many things. Maybe it’s the highest grosser at the box-office for the last week. Maybe it’s the highest rated on Rotten Tomatoes (or any other rating authority) for that week. Maybe a critic from the Albuquerque Gazette called it the No. 1 movie. There are many ways to be number 1.