– Why is every power generation basically just turbines?


Ugga is confused. Ugga needs help. Why basically only turbines?

* Nuclear power. Turbines.
* Water power (waterfall, dams and so on). Turbines.
* Wind power. Turbine (This one i accept).
* Wave power. Turbines.
* Coal power. Turbines.

The only one i can think of that doesnt use turbines is solar power. Have we not in our 250+ years of harnessing energy come up with a way of getting said power without using turbines except for solar power? Or is it just that, its our most effective way?

How do we extract energy from our fusion trial chambers? Is it just the heat being funneled to a watertank with a turbine?

RTGs in satellites uses thermocouple. Im guessing solar works in a similar way?


In: 63

33 Answers

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>Why is every power generation basically just turbines?

We are transitioning from our first method of power generation to our next one.

>The only one i can think of that doesnt use turbines is solar power.

There are a limited number of answers. The most likely answer is
turbines are the best method we have found to convert movement to electricity. If superior non-turbines methods existed they would be used in new power plants. If corruption held the non-turbine plan from being used, that corruption would have to be world wide making it extremely unlikely.

>Have we not in our 250+ years of harnessing energy come up with a way of getting said power without using turbines except for solar power?

Yes, but electricity is still a very new technology for humanity.
There is [a cable that generates electricity when stretched.](https://www.machinedesign.com/motors-drives/article/21826787/stretching-wire-generates-current) There is [a material that generates electricity when you walk on it.](https://futurism.com/new-flooring-tech-generates-electricity-through-your-footsteps) I haven’t looked into the issues with those types of technology, but if they were superior and cost effective, they would be used.

>How do we extract energy from our fusion trial chambers? Is it just the heat being funneled to a watertank with a turbine?

We mostly burn stuff… Heat causes water to change form a liquid to a gas, which increases the space the water vapor takes. That water vapor gas pushes on everything around it. That pushing gas leaves by the point of least resistance. That point of least resistance is built to change the push of expanding gasses into spinning (turbine). That spins magnets. The magnetic fields of the magnets pass through nearby wire. That magnetic field causes the electrons to move in the wire (induction). Electricity has been made.

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