I’m currently lying in bed clutching my stomach and desperately wishing I’d had anything but the fish.
Fish has this reputation as dangerous to eat if it’s not very fresh, much more than pork or beef or chicken or any other kind of meat. What’s the reason for this, assuming there is one beyond bad PR? Does it have anything to do with fish as a kind of meat?
What’s the reason that fish is so much riskier than other meats?
In: 9
LoL… I think in japan we think fish is the cleanest meat. We eat almost a quarter of the worlds fish, most of that raw. And cases of food poisoning over raw fish DON’T happen. Ive been here 35 years. If fish is treated with common sense (1, they test random samples of wild catch for disease. 2, Eat fresh fish within days, 3 freeze and cook the rest, you wont have a problem.
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