Why is fresh better than frozen when it comes to food?


Or is it at all? I see these ads all the time talking about how there food is better because it isn’t frozen. (Example: Basically every Wendys ad.) But what’s the science behind all this?

In: 8

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As long as it is properly frozen, there is little difference. However, if shop and/or transport is negligent in maintaining temperature, you can get food that was frozen and unfrozen several times. If this is the case it can have mush texture and bland taste. Worst part is, it’s hard to tell if frozen food is good or not until you buy and unfreeze it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As long as it is properly frozen, there is little difference. However, if shop and/or transport is negligent in maintaining temperature, you can get food that was frozen and unfrozen several times. If this is the case it can have mush texture and bland taste. Worst part is, it’s hard to tell if frozen food is good or not until you buy and unfreeze it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As everyone else here already said, it really depends on the type of food and situation, but generally one isn’t better than the other.

I make a lot of smoothies and smoothie bowls and I always buy frozen berries instead of fresh. I can get them all year round for a fraction of the price and they get frozen at peak ripeness whereas fresh berries might not be fully ripe when buying them. And since they go into a smoothie, the texture changes from the ice crystals don’t matter. If anything, frozen is preferable over fresh to get that smoothie bowl texture.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As everyone else here already said, it really depends on the type of food and situation, but generally one isn’t better than the other.

I make a lot of smoothies and smoothie bowls and I always buy frozen berries instead of fresh. I can get them all year round for a fraction of the price and they get frozen at peak ripeness whereas fresh berries might not be fully ripe when buying them. And since they go into a smoothie, the texture changes from the ice crystals don’t matter. If anything, frozen is preferable over fresh to get that smoothie bowl texture.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As everyone else here already said, it really depends on the type of food and situation, but generally one isn’t better than the other.

I make a lot of smoothies and smoothie bowls and I always buy frozen berries instead of fresh. I can get them all year round for a fraction of the price and they get frozen at peak ripeness whereas fresh berries might not be fully ripe when buying them. And since they go into a smoothie, the texture changes from the ice crystals don’t matter. If anything, frozen is preferable over fresh to get that smoothie bowl texture.

Anonymous 0 Comments

With fruit and vegetables you actually get more nutrients from frozen depending on how long fresh is in shipping. Sometimes you lose up to half of the nutrients in veggies and fruit during shipping while the frozen stuff preserves the nutrients by flash freezing as soon as they are harvested. As for meat, I think that’s mostly just texture and flavour quality.

Anonymous 0 Comments

With fruit and vegetables you actually get more nutrients from frozen depending on how long fresh is in shipping. Sometimes you lose up to half of the nutrients in veggies and fruit during shipping while the frozen stuff preserves the nutrients by flash freezing as soon as they are harvested. As for meat, I think that’s mostly just texture and flavour quality.

Anonymous 0 Comments

With fruit and vegetables you actually get more nutrients from frozen depending on how long fresh is in shipping. Sometimes you lose up to half of the nutrients in veggies and fruit during shipping while the frozen stuff preserves the nutrients by flash freezing as soon as they are harvested. As for meat, I think that’s mostly just texture and flavour quality.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Huge difference.

I participated in a taste testing exhibition. One of the parts was tasting 3 of the same food and determine if it is fresh, frozen or store bought; we had 8 different foods if I remembercorrectly. This area where I live we had 200 people participated and we had something like 87 or 89% (it was high 80s) get this section correct. The person doing the study explained to us that areas where people eat a lot of farm fresh food can very well determine flavor differences in the foods, and most cities area that only get food from the store instead of a farms normally gets low 20s. So there is a flavor difference that some people can pick up on.

When you freeze food they lose some nutrition and enzymes but these enzymes are also what causes food to spoil. When you freeze fruit and vegetables you blanch them first and this will cut the enzymes off, kills micro organisms and causes nutrients lost; this also causes some vegetables to shrivel up some. Then you put them in an ice bath to stop the cooking from the blanching. Fruit will get an acid bath to prevent browning in ether limon juice, ascorbic acid or vinegar which all 3 can change taste. Then they get flash frozen.

Some people think they have the same nutrition but with the nature of how you preserve you have to lose and add things that will change them chemically and thus change in flavor and nutrients.

Add note: change isn’t necessary a bad thing ether. Like canned foods i can tell the difference between canned peach and fresh but I prefer canned. I also like frozen salmon and some cases frozen and canned fruit does better than fresh. It really does depends on what a persons is use to and prefers.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Huge difference.

I participated in a taste testing exhibition. One of the parts was tasting 3 of the same food and determine if it is fresh, frozen or store bought; we had 8 different foods if I remembercorrectly. This area where I live we had 200 people participated and we had something like 87 or 89% (it was high 80s) get this section correct. The person doing the study explained to us that areas where people eat a lot of farm fresh food can very well determine flavor differences in the foods, and most cities area that only get food from the store instead of a farms normally gets low 20s. So there is a flavor difference that some people can pick up on.

When you freeze food they lose some nutrition and enzymes but these enzymes are also what causes food to spoil. When you freeze fruit and vegetables you blanch them first and this will cut the enzymes off, kills micro organisms and causes nutrients lost; this also causes some vegetables to shrivel up some. Then you put them in an ice bath to stop the cooking from the blanching. Fruit will get an acid bath to prevent browning in ether limon juice, ascorbic acid or vinegar which all 3 can change taste. Then they get flash frozen.

Some people think they have the same nutrition but with the nature of how you preserve you have to lose and add things that will change them chemically and thus change in flavor and nutrients.

Add note: change isn’t necessary a bad thing ether. Like canned foods i can tell the difference between canned peach and fresh but I prefer canned. I also like frozen salmon and some cases frozen and canned fruit does better than fresh. It really does depends on what a persons is use to and prefers.