Why is Hydrogen not feasible yet for heating or driving?


What is actually the simplest answer why hydrogen is not feasible yet for a replacement of our usual ways to heat buildings or drive cars. I heard that Hydrogen makes sense for larger vehicles that have to drive for a lot of miles but smaller ones are not really in development outside of toyota’s experiments. Is there already a way to when it could get feasible?

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30 Answers

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It takes more energy to produce the hydrogen than the amount of energy stored in they hydrogen. Herr is a [link](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/hydrogen-technology-faces-efficiency-disadvantage-in-power-storage-race-65162028) saying efficiency is 18% to 46%. Meaning if to produce 1 Kwh of hydrogen it takes 1.18 Kwh to 1.46 Kwh of solar energy. Better to consume the solar energy directly.

Hydrogen is more of a battery than a fuel source. It can store energy for a later time, albeit in a very inconvenient way.

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