why is it a risk when the heart gain muscle due to abnormal blood pressure, but a benefit if it’s due to exercises?


Can it be bad for my health if I only exercises a little but doesn’t hit the threshold for “athletes’ heart”?

In: 7

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Disclaimer i may be misinterpreting the question

Abdominal blood pressure is often constant, so the heart is constantly strained and trying to get strong enough to deal with this strain. Cardiovascular fitness requires a strong heart for transient periods of cardiovascular strain, ie. Running/sports.
One can get too fit that it’s dangerous though, although he was probably on PEDs (never officially proven) one Italian cyclist had to be fitted with a pace maker that would wake him up in his sleep if his heart went too low so he could get on an exercise bike because his heart would beat so slowly due to his fitness (and probably juicing tbh) that he could die in his sleep.

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