Why is it always that “Terms AND conditions apply?”


Tbh, I couldn’t tell you the difference.

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The Terms are the basic rights and obligations and responsibilities that each side has with regard to the product or contract. The Conditions are possible scenarios that can come up that can change those rights and obligations and responsibilities in some way.

Super simple example would be if I agree to let you borrow my bicycle for four weeks for $50.

Terms could be as simple as, “zannerx will be allowed to possess the bicycle until 5 June 2023; zannerx must return the bicycle no later than 2 PM on 5 June 2023. Zannerx will pay an initial payment of $25 on 12 May 2023 and a final payment of $25 upon return of the bicycle. Zannerx may not replace bicycle parts or make modifications to the bicycle without prior approval from Skatingraccoon”.

Conditions would be, “*If* zannerx is unable to return the bicycle, and Skatingraccoon has to retrieve it at his own expense, zannerx will compensate Skatingraccoon at a rate of 10 cents per mile. If zannerx damages the bicycle, zannerx will pay the full value of the bicycle ($300).”

Definitely *not* saying these are great examples lol, but something to that effect.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Terms = what you agree to when signing a contract

Conditions= contingencies for if the terms aren’t properly followed, usually some sort of penalty for breaking the rules, so the contract can continue without being voided or breached.

Basically, it is just legalese for saying that the product or service requires a contract or has an implied contract, and they are covering their bases legally by stating that what is in the contract applies to the good or service advertised.