Why is it bad if all of the icebergs melted?


Why is it bad if all of the icebergs melted?

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6 Answers

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Well, technically, to be pedantic, icebergs are already in water so melting won’t contribute a sea level rise via the melting itself.

I think you mean glaciers where are masses of ice *on land*. Yes, when that water melts it will increase the global sea level and that will be bad.

But the glaciers themselves aren’t the worst part of the story.

First off water expands in volume as it heats up, increasing the average temperature of the oceans by just a degree or two will cause a MASSIVE change in the sea level simply via the expansion of water.

Secondly a lot of the areas that, like glaciers, are currently kept frozen will thaw for the same reasons the glaciers will melt. These areas full of greenhouse gases (CO2 and methane, mostly) that will now compound climate change in a snowball effect, we warm the Earth a teensy-bit with anthropogenic green house gases, the Earth takes the wheel from there and finishes itself off.

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