Why is it bad to flush tampons down a toilet, when they are smaller than the average turd and biodegradable?


I have always wondered why it’s so bad to flush a tampon. I know tampons blow up a bit when wet, but even when fully saturated, they don’t get as big as a large turd. And they are generally made of cotton, not plastic, so surely they will break down well enough? Thanks.

EDIT TO ADD: I am not saying I flush tampons! I don’t. I just wanted to make sure there’s a good reason for it.

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So the reason is, with your sewage system. Eventually it reaches what’s called a rising main, or lift. In this lift is typically an internal pump with a motor, things like none biodegradable tissues and stuff get caught in the blades and turns into rope. With enough of the stuff it completely stops the pumps and ends up backing up the system

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