think of it this way: that pimple was a pore that was secreting oils until some dried oil and skin cells and sometimes bacteria caused it to clog. the clog caused the pore to swell like a tiny blocked hose which causes irritation to surrounding tissue. so, squeezing that pouch, if you are really lucky, pops the dried cap of oil and skin cells and returns the pore to normal functioning and excreting. often though, you injure the delicate tissue of that pore and surrounding skin and potentially create a perfect opportunity for infection. that infection can further aggravate the injured skin, causing scarring.
I pop my pimples when they are small because the skin right there is fucked anyway. I make sure not to break the skin with my fingernails. The puss comes out of the pore and does not make any more damage.
My girlfriend leave her pimples to pop naturally. They get much much bigger and she has big red wounds for so much longer once they pop.
The whole don’t pop your pimple probably came from some person who popped a pimple on a doctors advice and his filthy fingernails made a big old infection and they got sued. Pop that shit people!!!!
-not medical advice 😛
To be fair. If I let a pimple just be and try to dry it out, it’ll stay way longer (weeks) and grow larger and be more visible. But if I pop it when it’s ready, the pressure is gone, the nasty is out and it’s just a small wound that heals in 5 days.
Some important things to keep in mind for a speedy recovery:
– push all the nasty out, all of it. It shouldn’t feel under pressure anymore.
– keep it clean. Tissue in hand and always use a clean spot when wiping away the nasty or put pressure on it to help stop the bleeding/oozing serous fluid.
– don’t stratch at the scabs. That will slow down healing.
BUT if I don’t touch my face that much, THAT will prevent most pimpels. Prevention over treating.
Ever hear of excoration disorder? I believe that’s a skin picking disorder. There are people (myself included) who pop and pick at zits until they bleed or have lesions/ scarring on their faces and bodies.
So you get the negative effects of popping pimples. EVERYONE warned you about it… but you’re addicted. Oh yeah, now everyone is scared of Monkeypox and they’re suspicious of weird looking acne scarring.
It’s gross and degrading. My advice is DON’T START POPPING OR PICKING!
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