Why is it better to do 30 pushups in a row, than to do 1 pushup per minute for 30 minutes, and so on?


Why is it better to do 30 pushups in a row, than to do 1 pushup per minute for 30 minutes, and so on?

In: 45

9 Answers

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Your muscle mass isn’t all turned on at once. It is turned on from the small, oxygen-heavy fibers first and then if they get tired or can’t keep up then more muscle mass is recruited, right up to the stuff that doesn’t fire unless it has to. If you do a single push-up then your muscle mass isn’t all turned on, and a break allows your small fibers to recover and lets them continue to bear all of the load of subsequent single push-ups.
By doing them all in a row you will eventually recruit all of your muscle mass and train it all, which can cause additional more distributed muscle micro trauma and stimulate more adaptation and repair.

Honestly though BOTH are worth doing. Any activity will promote an adaptive response and small amounts of activity throughout the day are totally awesome, as are blocks or more vigorous activity. Both are good. They are different but both good.

Exercise, your body is evolved to move and your body and brain are not healthy unless you are active. Physical and mental illness await those who don’t keep their body moving.

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