Why is it breezier in the shade?


I’m sitting here in the garden. Completely blue skies. In the open sunshine it feels very, very hot. No wind or breeze at all.

I move my chair literally two feet away to a shady area and aside from it being out of direct sunlight, there is a noticeable breeze which there wasn’t before.

It’s something I’ve always noticed and always wondered – why does it get (or maybe just feel?) breezier/windier in the shade? The same effect also applies on a day with sunny intervals – when it goes behind a cloud, the breeze picks up.

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Air moves from high pressure areas to low pressure areas. We feel this movement of air as wind. Pressure and temperature are linked, meaning if you change the temperature of the air, you also change the air pressure. You feel the breeze because you are likely close to the interface where warmer air meets colder air.

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