When a person gains weight their skeleton and major organs aren’t designed to grow to keep up with the excess weight. Carrying extra weight around all day puts extra strain on joints and can cause aches and pain. Eventually the extra weight gives organs more work than they can handle and either the body’s cells suffer because there are too many cells for the organs to take care of, or the organs themselves suffer due to overwork.
Imagine a city with 100 people living in it. That city has things like a fire department, a water treatment plant, a sewage system, and a power plant. Sometimes the city sometimes has a big parade and 50 extra people come; all the city’s systems can handle this for a short time (the fire department works an extra shift, the power plant uses backup generators, etc.), but afterwards there’s a rest (in this analogy, this is what happens when you exercise hard, or when you’re sick — all your organs have to work harder). If those extra 50 people came and lived in the city full time, eventually the sewage system and water treatment facility would be overwhelmed and people would get dirty water, the firemen would all be exhausted because they were working non-stop and eventually they would all be so tired that a fire might be totally missed, the powerplant couldn’t keep up with peak hours and there would be blackouts.
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