Why is it considered unhealthy if someone is overweight even if all their blood tests, blood pressure, etc. all come back at healthy levels?


Assumimg that being overweight is due to fat, not muscle.

In: 1317

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to what I see stated, fat cells in themselves are inflammatory, causing a cascade of chemical responses in the body that make us more prone to many maladies. Interesting research is available on the topic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s just bad for you long term. Adipose tissue (fat) releases adipokines which are far specific cytokines. Cytokines are what your body releases during an inflammatory responses (when you get injured or sick)

So when you carry a lot of excess fat, your body is basically in a state of low grade inflammation constantly, and this state of stress just wears everything out way faster.