Why is it dangerous to view a solar eclipse with your naked eyes?


Solar eclipse is just moon coming between sun and earth and its shadow getting cast on earth. Since the sun rays are getting blocked due to the moon, shouldn’t it actually be safer to view it directly as compared to normal sun?

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10 Answers

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It is better than the normal sun, but it’s still dangerously bright. Once totality is reached, it’s perfectly safe to view without glasses because all you see is the corona, which is so much duller by comparison, hence why you can’t see it under normal circumstances.

Being totally honest, during the eclipse in 2018, as totality neared, I would take glances without the glasses. It still hurts, but not nearly as much as the full sun. In order to look for any extended period of time you need the glasses. This also applies for an annular solar eclipse. That is a solar eclipse that would be a total eclipse, but the moon is too far from the Earth (or the Earth is too close to the sun) so the moon I entirely in front of the Sun, but the moon is too small is relative size to completely block out the sun.

I highly recommend seeing a total eclipse whenever you can, it’s absolutely beautiful.

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