why is it easier to heat things up, than it is to cool them down?


why is it easier to heat things up, than it is to cool them down?

In: 143

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends a lot on what you mean. But generally it is easier to add energy to things than to remove energy.

If you want to cool something below its surrounding you need to use a refrigeration cycle, which requires various components like tubes compressors and refrigeration gas.

This cycle allows you to move energy from the object you wish to cool, and add it to the surroundings. The bigger the difference in temperature, the harder this becomes.

It is also possible to heat things by taking heat from the surroundings and moving it to an object. This is the same cycle but just in reverse. This cycle has the added efficiency of any heat created by the device is added to the object.

But there are easier ways to heat things. Just make the surrounding super hot by creating a fire and such.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because physics allows for it to be much easier to make fire or other extremely hot things, via chemical reactions that release heat. There are not as many endothermic reactions, which are chemical reactions that suck in surrounding energy.

Meanwhile, we have to invent compressor technology in order to cool things off. And even still, you can only get so cold. The flood on cold temperatures is much closer than the ceiling on hot temperatures. 0 degrees Celsius is only 273 Kelvin, which means you can only go down to 0 degrees Kelvin, which is the coldest you can get. You can have essentially limitless temperatures in Kelvin on the hot side.

So basically, the coldest things we can make are a few hundred lower, and the hottest things we can make are trillions, quadrillions, or higher.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not, it just depends on the relative energy levels and how efficient the materials are at retaining or transmitting thermal energy.

Take two objects, both with the same mass and thermal conductivity (assume a closed system and these are the only two objects in it). One is 0C and the other is 100C. Place them together (or don’t it doesn’t really matter where they are in this scenario). Over time the one that started at 0C will be heated to 50C. At the same time, the one that started at 100C will cool to 50C. They both heat up/cool down the same. It’s not a matter of heating up or cooling down, its just movement of energy between relative levels.

Anonymous 0 Comments

First, remember that heating and cooling are all about flow of heat energy. Heat always flows from hotter to colder objects, and importantly, it moves faster if the difference in temperature is larger (aka the temperature gradient.) Think of how cars roll slowly down a gentle slope, but quickly down a steep slope–the difference in elevation works the same way. Also, some materials conduct heat a lot faster than others, so heat flows in/out of them faster. Air isn’t that great compared to water, and metals are better than water.

So, think about a mug of hot water, maybe 150 F (60 C) sitting in a room-temperature room (71F or 22 C.) It will slowly lose heat to its surroundings, because the difference in temperature isn’t that big. It’s also losing heat to air, which is fairly slow, and doing it from a smallish surface area. By the way, we tend to use materials for mugs that are bad at conducting heat, because that keeps drinks hot longer and stops your fingers from getting burned, so the mug is making it cool slower.

Now, if you pour room-temperature water into a kettle that’s heated to 400 degrees, you’ve got a much bigger difference in temperature, and you’re using hot steel to rapidly dump lots of heat into water. The water heats quickly.

We can absolutely cool things down quickly. If you took a big frozen silver pan and poured the mug of water into it, it would cool in no time, because you’ve got a bigger temperature difference, better conduction, and more surface area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In a Physics sense it’s not, though if you look at gadgets meant to do the two things applying the Physics can be more complicated.

“Hot” and “cold” to Physics are just different amounts of energy. “Hot” things have more energy. “Cold” things have less. Let’s not worry about what kind of energy. Let’s just call it “heat energy” for simplicity. One thing we can exploit is something called “thermodynamics” explains the energy likes to balance. In ELI5 terms that means “hot things like to push their energy into cold things until they have the same amount of energy.” So to Physics, making something “colder” just involves finding a way to make it give heat energy to something else and making it hotter involves finding a way to make something else give it heat energy.

To make something hot, you have to add more heat energy to it. That’s pretty easy with electricity. If you force electrons through a material that has high resistance, the electrons will have to “push” harder and will lose some of the electrical energy. The energy isn’t really “lost”. It becomes heat energy stored in the material. We can do a lot of other things to create heat, like starting a fire or creating friction. Even our bodies generate a lot of heat. So “heat it up” devices usually seem pretty simple because all they have to do is convert some kind of energy into heat, which is usually pretty easy.

To make something cold, you have to remove heat energy from it. If we, say, wrap a hot thing in tubing and pump cold water through the tubing, some of the heat energy will move from the hot thing to the cold water. Then the cold water is pumped away so more cold water is on the hot thing and more heat moves out of it. As long as the water is colder than the thing, it will be “cooled” by the water.

But then we have a lot of hot water we have to deal with. If we pump that hot water back through the system, it’s not as cold so it may not be able to take as much heat energy on the next pass. So for this system to keep going, we have to figure out a way to get rid of heat in the water.

One way to do that would be to pump the hot water through some narrow tubes. The tubes suck in some of the heat, then the air around the tubes sucks heat out of them. That leaves colder water behind. Devices like this are usually called “radiators” and you’ll find them in cars and a lot of other devices meant to cool things.

Refrigerators and air conditioners use basically that idea, but instead of water they use a liquid that’s MUCH better at taking in and giving up heat called a “refrigerant”. One part of the system is the “evaporator”. It makes the refrigerant at lower pressure, which in Physics always makes things colder. Then it pumps that low-pressure cold refrigerant through coils that air is blowing over. The air is warm, and its heat gets sucked into the refrigerant through the coils. Now you have cold air. The warm refrigerant is pumped to a part of the system called “a condenser”. This squeezes it to higher pressure, which also makes it warmer. Then it runs that warm, high-pressure refrigerant through coils that air is blowing over. That air is cooler than the refrigerant so heat moves through the coils into the air and you’re left with cooler, high-pressure refrigerant. That gets pumped back to the evaporator and the cycle repeats.

So one end of a fridge/air conditioner makes cold air and the other end makes hot air. It’s making the cold air by moving heat from that air into the other air, and to do that it has to spend electricity to pump the refrigerant around and change its pressure. Modern heat pumps can reverse the direction so that it’s stealing heat from outside and pumping the heat inside.

It’s a complicated device to *build* compared to a plain old heater, but it works on very simple principles.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Heat is just energy, and heating/cooling things is just a transfer of energy.

When you heat something, you’re adding energy, but to cool something you need to create an environment where the target object has more energy than something else, so that it transfers that energy. Creating that environment uses a lot more energy than simply imparting the energy directly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

To heat something up, you just have to generate thermal energy. There are multiple ways to do this, but the easiest are chemical (burn something) or electrical (run electricity through a resistor).

You can’t ‘generate’ cold, so the only way to make something colder is to expose it to something that’s a lower temperature. This is limited by the speed of thermal transfer – heat can only move from hot to cold at a limited rate. You can speed this up by increasing the temperature difference, but ‘cold’ only goes down to 0K or -273C so you can’t gain much there.

In practical terms though, you can dunk something into liquid nitrogen and get it cold pretty fast so this isn’t a major problem.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Physically it’s not, practically it is. The rate of heat transfer is determined by the difference in the two bodies, so the rate is the same if you’ve got a difference of +10 (measured item is heating) or -10(measured item is cooling). The reason it’s easier in practice is there is a absolute minimum temperature -273 C so there’s only so cold you can make something whereas there is no maximum, black holes heat matter in their accretion disk to millions of degrees.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know those balls in the ball pit? All the multicolored ones? Imagine how much energy it’d take to get them all to be as still as possible while the kiddos are jumping in them. Now imagine how little energy it’d take to get them moving while the kiddos are jumping in them.
Heating is exciting the atoms, cooling is slowing them down.

Also, don’t let your kids go in the ball pit. Disgusting germ filled poo poo playground

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to the other comments, understand that heating things up and cooling them down is an EXCHANGE of heat. A really simple way to explain an AC unit is that air passes over super cold coils, the coils pull the heat in from the air, and the cold air blows into your house.

When chemical reactions (like fire) or hot stove tops heat something, they’re applying heat directly to what needs to get hot. It’s easy to get the molecules agitated.

But when things cool they have to exchange the heat with the ambient air around it, which can take a while. You can witness this yourself by seeing how long it takes a pan to cool down on the stove vs in the freezer. The colder the air around it, the more heat it can pawn off