why is it easier to heat things up, than it is to cool them down?


why is it easier to heat things up, than it is to cool them down?

In: 143

21 Answers

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Because physics allows for it to be much easier to make fire or other extremely hot things, via chemical reactions that release heat. There are not as many endothermic reactions, which are chemical reactions that suck in surrounding energy.

Meanwhile, we have to invent compressor technology in order to cool things off. And even still, you can only get so cold. The flood on cold temperatures is much closer than the ceiling on hot temperatures. 0 degrees Celsius is only 273 Kelvin, which means you can only go down to 0 degrees Kelvin, which is the coldest you can get. You can have essentially limitless temperatures in Kelvin on the hot side.

So basically, the coldest things we can make are a few hundred lower, and the hottest things we can make are trillions, quadrillions, or higher.

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