With jet engines, it’s relatively easy to light it up and throttle. I know you can’t shut them down mid-flight and then turn them back on while still in the air, but you can easily throttle them. Now with rocket engines, you can only light most engines 1-3 times, and their throttle ability is minimal. Why is this so?
Thanks in advance.
In: Engineering
>i know you cant shut them down mid flight and turn them back on while still in the air
Inflight restarts after flameouts are absolutely a thing you can do and even train for, provided you didnt shut them down with the fire suppression system. In fact, an inflight restart has the plane’s own airspeed working to assist this, as the airflow into the engine causes it to passively windmill, which can and does provide enough spin in the engine for a re-light to have enough compression to self sustain again. On the ground, you would need bleed air from the APU or another already-running engine to get the thing to start turning.
You typically *dont* do an inflight restart because of the reasons that caused you to shut it down in the first place
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