Why is it important to connect the red cable before the black cable when jump starting a car?


I’ve seen numerous videos on YouTube instructing to attach the red cable and then the black cable when jump starting a car (e.g. [1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iI1o2hNy2hE), [2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdnkRQF5Cps), [3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyLwfthYjKw)).

However, to my understanding, black is for ground, and the reason for connecting ground in electrical systems is to prevent a potential voltage difference and creating a path for the excess current to flow into the ground (excuse me if I messed up “voltage” & “current”, my knowledge in that field is minimal). If that’s the case, then wouldn’t I want to ensure ground is connected first to prevent the risk of a voltage difference through the red cable?

I asked ChatGPT about the right order and it said “red then black”, then I explained my reasoning behind why I think black should go first, and then it said:

>You raise a good point. In some cases, it may actually be safer to connect the ground (black) cable first.
>To minimize the risk of sparking or arcing, it’s generally a good idea to connect the ground (black) cable to a metal part of the engine block before connecting the positive (red) cable. This will ensure that there is a low-resistance path to ground in case there is a potential difference between the batteries.

EDIT: Same question about the recommended reverse order of disconnecting. Why first disconnect black then red? Shouldn’t I make sure ground is connected at all times during a circuit? If I disconnect ground first, then red is connected on its own, raising the risk of an excess current.

In: 1

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Everything I’ve read has said to do black first for the reasons you have mentioned. (Edit to add: even manufacturers have black-then-red instructions on some of the packaging I’ve seen.) And I do it that way for those same reasons.

Don’t worry about the advice of ChatGPT just yet — it would be like asking a Reddit automod for dating advice at this point.

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