Why is it not possible to make a complete living organism from the samples/remains found from millions of years ago?


Why is it not possible to make a complete living organism from the samples/remains found from millions of years ago?

In: 14

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sadly for Jurassic Park enthusiasts, DNA has a half-life of a few million years. Yes, we could frantically search fossils for signs of preserved soft tissue and hope we can sequence a full genome from many pieces over time, but that’s so hard to find. Then we have to build DNA artificially and get it to multiply and form a proper embryo.

Edit: I was several orders of magnitude off. Turns out after a few million years, *DNA is gone completely.* Half-life is 521 years. I swapped numbers around in my head. Sorry guys. So this is impossible to start with.

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