why is it painful to be on your feet for extended periods of time? Is weight a big factor?


I’ve been working at McDonald’s for almost 9 months now, and any shifts longer than 4 hours, my feet start to hurt.

I am overweight, Last time I checked it was 230lbs. But I have heard of similar complaints from coworkers and people online.

Is it the case of too much of a good thing? (Being active and about)

In: 268

50 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Too much of anything isn’t good for you. Doesn’t matter how much you weigh.

Talk to a podiatrist, maybe they can make you some inserts for your shoes?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I am at a healthy weight and sometimes experience the same thing. Something I’ve noticed with being on your feet for long hours at work is that the quality of your shoes really make a difference. Do you have good work shoes?

Anonymous 0 Comments

your feet i composed by many muscle that gives it their specific shape and that allow theme to process their fonction like maintaining balance

so standing up for too long can tire them out and when they can’t maintain the shape of the foot they just feels like you are crushing them whenever you walk on them

Anonymous 0 Comments

A study was done that shows for each pound you lost you take ~4 lbs of pressure of your knees. I’m not saying you being overweight is what is doing it, but it’s not helping it.

You should also try paying attention to how well your knees “track” or move in line with your toes. What you want is “II” as a opposed to “/”. Which is to say you may be twisting your knees in comparison to where your feet are pointed, and that’s gonna hurt too.

Also, just standing and doing the same repetitive motions is gonna cause discomfort. It’s good to be active but not as good as active with intent. Try going for brisk walks before work and smoother ones after. You’d be surprised how a little walking will help.

Anonymous 0 Comments

5 year McVet. At the end of the day, your feet and legs will hurt a bit. It’s a long day at scurry speed. It gets easier as you do it. Try and find the right shoes. For me, it was shape ups. Now it’s converse, but I don’t think those are OK for McWork.
Since I left, I can’t sit at a desk all day. I have to be on my feet. So I use a standing desk.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The problem is not being on your feet generally, it’s standing in one place for too long. People are built to walk all day, but at a walking gait or pacing. Generally st a job like McDonald’s you stand in one place or area. If you must stand in one place don’t lock your knees. Invest in good non slip comfortable shoes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

We’re not adapted to standing on our feet in one place for a long time, we’re adapted to moving around with legs and arms. Muscles get fatigued, blood flow can get cut off, soft tissues can’t sustain pressure. Other species like grazing animals or birds have adaptations that can lock their limbs in place for hours or days at a time with no negative effects.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It doesn’t matter if your weight fits your frame or not. Heavy is heavy.

If you have smaller feet, there’s more pressure per square inch of your feet.

If you want to fix that, start running regularly. Your feet get tougher to adapt to the increased impact so that standing feels like nothing in comparison.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me, it’s why can I easily take on 8 hours on my feet, but an extra 2 hours might as well be complete torture?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is worth mentioning that being on your feet AND moving is pretty much the best thing for you. You are human being and we evolved to be bipedal and trek long distances.

Standing on your feet and NOT moving is the issue. Which one reason standing desks are kinda ridiculous. Sure standing up for a while between sitting down is good, but standing in one place for hours is even worse than sitting.