Exactly as stated in the title. All my life I’ve been able to touch my phone or computer’s electrical charger output (accidentally or for whatever the reason) with no sort of “buzz” or feeling from the electricity going through the output. At least that has always been my experience with it.
Just in case: Don’t intentionally try this of course.
In: 64
It’s really simple. Dry dead skin, like the outer layer of skin, has a high resistance to electricity. There is simply not enough voltage to overcome the resistance. You phone charger is outputting between 5v and 12v, and a few amps. A fee milliamps is enough to stop your hear, but the voltage has to be high enough to overcome the resistance. A car battery has hundreds of amps, maybe 600 to 800 amps. But the 12volts isn’t enough to overcome the skin’s resistance so you don’t get a shock from it.
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