Why is it so common for teeth to come in crooked?


Could it be more of a genetic thing to have straight teeth or are there outside factors involved too? Not to mention having crooked teeth can cause so many issues but it’s common.

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34 Answers

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There was a dentist back in the 1930s named Weston A. Price. He travelled internationally and he found that western diets were more likely to cause tooth misalignment and weak jawlines. This was apparently due to the soft and sugary nature of said foods. On the contrary, the diets of the more primitive cultures he observed were more tough and fibrous which resulted in near perfect alignment and tooth health aside from inevitable wear and tear. Even more fascinating was when those primitive cultures adopted western diets, their teeth became noticeably worse within one generation. In his book, he actually showed pictures of families within those cultures and showed that the parents often had robust square jawlines with good teeth alignment while their children had misaligned teeth and weakened jawlines. The children had been more westernized than their parents. Example below:


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