Why is it so common for teeth to come in crooked?


Could it be more of a genetic thing to have straight teeth or are there outside factors involved too? Not to mention having crooked teeth can cause so many issues but it’s common.

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34 Answers

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Diet and evolution.

The human mouth is getting smaller and we’re crowding our teeth out of our heads.

We’re in the process of losing our wisdom teeth but we’ve already lost a set of teeth. Some people call caveman teeth

The other part is our diet, back when we needed all those teeth we used to have to really chew down on fibrous plant material to get any nutrients out of it just to grind it up and the grinding and the constant chewing actually strengthened and straightened our teeth.

Now all of our food is cooked and it’s soft and the combination of a shrinking skull and softening food is kind of messing up our teeth.

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