Why is it so common for teeth to come in crooked?


Could it be more of a genetic thing to have straight teeth or are there outside factors involved too? Not to mention having crooked teeth can cause so many issues but it’s common.

In: 601

34 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You gotta work the jaws to develop fully. Like chewing gum and eating tougher foods help everything develop much better.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Remember if you don’t prescribe to any kind of religion the point of life on its most basic sense is to procreate (I don’t mean that to be insulting to anyone, I’m not saying anyone should or should not feel the need to have kids, probably should have come up with better wording). So If you can put out crooked teeth that last for 30 years and don’t scare away potential mates that’s generally good enough.

Anonymous 0 Comments

White people’s mouths have gotten smaller over time and are now too small. Asian and black people supposedly rarely need braces because their jaws are larger. (Source: my dentist). Diet has a lot to do with this.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I heard a podcast on this. An orthodontist was watching a documentary and noticed that the teeth on skulls in an ossuary were rarely crooked. His hypothesis is that our ancestors ate tougher foods earlier, expanding the palate naturally before it solidifies allowing all teeth to align almost perfectly. Even allowing space for the wisdom teeth. Due to a softer modern diet, that palate doesn’t expand as much causing crowding and additional crowding from impacted wisdom teeth. He went further back through the anthropological fossil record and solidified his hypothesis.

He posited that it’s not discussed because the orthodontics industry is a hugely profitable industry.