Why is it so difficult to build a perpetual motion machine?


Why is it so difficult to build a perpetual motion machine?

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8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

“so difficult” should be “impossible”

Thermodynamics have laws. To the best of the worlds understanding of physics, these are absolutes. If there is deviation it would change the fundamental understanding of the universe.

Law 1-Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Aka, no such thing as a free lunch.
Power for movement needs to come from somewhere. Something falling, is still just converting potential energy into kinetic. Cars move from energy inputs from gas or electricity which is converted into kinetic.

Law 2- A system will move towards disorder. In effect, every time energy is converted, some of it is wasted.
Outside of a 101 level physics class homework problem, everything has friction.
Air contact? Friction.
Greased metal on metal? Friction.
Converting gasoline potential energy into kinetic? Friction *and* waste heat.
There is no system where you can put 1 potential energy in, and get 1 or more kinetic energy out.

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