Used to maintain military aircraft. They are old. You know how a grandpa could still walk just fine but may need a little bit of help? Well when he was younger he didnt need as much help. All he needed was some food and water and he was maintained. But now he needs a bunch of meds, retirement funds, social security, medical bills, needs a hip replaced, etc. Grandpa just needs more money to keep alive!
But we need him to complete the mission. And that is the number one priority. We dont care about how much money he makes for us, nor do we care how much he needs to keep alive. And because he is doing things that are a heck of a lot more aggressive, he needs a lot of maintenance.
Additionally, a lot of what we do is training flights. So we practice for war, which is expensive too. The number you cited is the average of all of this. But grandpa is doing just fine! And we are proud to have him still with us 🙂
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