why is it so fun to tease your pets even though you know it’s mildly cruel?


why is it so fun to tease your pets even though you know it’s mildly cruel?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because you like it when they focus their attention on you.

Same reason you tease that cute girl in your class.

Anonymous 0 Comments

the same reason anything else that you do without an audience is fun:

because you think it’s funny to tease stuff, lol, that’s on you.

edit: there is no better answer for why you tease your dog when you’re alone than that’s the kind of thing you like to do. i don’t tease my dog when i’m alone, you know? it’s not a universal human activity.

i would say that probably you tease your pets (and i mean, i’m assuming you’re meaning pretty benign) because you think their reactions are cute and don’t think it bothers them much. depending on what you’re doing, it probably does bother some. if it didn’t, you’d say you were playing with your pets, not teasing them.