why is it so hard to make a virus killing drug?


why is it so hard to make a virus killing drug?

In: 17

8 Answers

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It takes a lot of research, time and money to develop a drug that can defeat a virus. Any drug that can do that, has to be made specifically for that strain otherwise it can cause the person more damage than the virus itself

Even if a drug was developed for a virus, by the time it was released and passed all clinical trials the virus may have mutated and the drug is either less effective or not effective against the current strain

Vaccines are the better way as they give your immune system a small taste of what the virus is like, so that it can prepare itself and know how best to defeat it if you get it

Think of it like your bodies antibodies as a defending force of soldiers against an invading army

No drugs or vaccine means you have to fight them off, not knowing what to expect or how to effectively fight them but they can win (you might be sick for a little while)

A drug would be reinforcements but they only know how to defeat soldiers with swords and nothing else. If the invaders have changed tactics (mutated) they might use spears instead so the drugs are useless.

A vaccine would be a small amount of invading soldiers that your antibodies can defeat easily and they now know how to protect themselves

Pharmaceuticals companies would, if possible, focus on vaccines rather than spending more money and research into drugs that can be less effective

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