why is it so impressive that India landed on the South side of the Moon?


why is it so impressive that India landed on the South side of the Moon?

In: 7033

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is impressive because it is extremely difficult to land a robot on the moon due to the technological challenges involved in doing that.
If it was just a matter of throwing some money at the problem many country states could do it, but it also requires very, very smart people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Making a successful soft landing on the moon is regarded as something only a ‘superpower’ can do. And right now russia can’t even do that. The reasorces needed to perform such a feat go far beyond the design, sourcing, construction and launch of the vehicle, and demonstrate a society that is wealthy, sophisticated, ambitious and politically stable enough for such high-end pursuits. The fact that India can do it, and for a really cheap budget, shows they’re able to forge their own destiny and aren’t part of someone else’s ‘sphere of influence’. Given how shaky things are in both China and Russia, India will soon be the premier power in that half of the continent.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because the Indian space agency (ISRO) has a fraction of the budget that other nations do, and they still pulled it off.

Anonymous 0 Comments

1st it’s the moon
2nd to most people India isn’t a tech powerhouse
3rd the dark side is harder to land on cause of reasons

Anonymous 0 Comments

Another impressive angle is that they did it extremely cheaply. These days it’s all about how much money you have to spend.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine throwing a basket ball from one side of the court to the other but not just hitting the hoop but the backside of the board. To he clear I don’t mean hitting the board but literally the backside of the board. The side that faces away from the court

That’s kinda how difficult it is to do

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you tried it? It’s bloody difficult

Anonymous 0 Comments

Only 3 countries have landed on the moon?