Why is it so much easier to fall asleep on the couch unintentionally than to fall asleep in bed intentionally?


Why is it so much easier to fall asleep on the couch unintentionally than to fall asleep in bed intentionally?

In: Biology

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You may have a mismatch between when your body naturally wants to sleep and your actual bed time.

Try to move your bed time earlier and resist the urge to nap so that you are actually sleepy at bed time.

Our habits can be trained. Every time you have trouble falling asleep at bed time, you are actually training yourself to anticipate not being able to sleep the next time you get in bed. To break the cycle you might have to switch up your schedule.

Anonymous 0 Comments


On the couch you are relaxed and comfortable so its easy to fall asleep. Contrary to that when you go to bed, you expect to sleep, and not only that you know you “have to” sleep and this creates pressure which in turn can lead to restlessness and general turmoil.

It happens more to people that feel generally stressed than not. A good method to help with that is to reduce screen time before bed or use a blue light filter to induce sleepyness earlier and then do something relaxing for 10-20min in bed or directly before going to bed. Reading or listening to a book or just relaxing to some music are generally good things to do. Basically anything that doesnt require focussed attention can help you go into a state of relaxation, where when you lie down to sleep, you fall asleep easier and faster.