Why is it so much easier to tap/drum your fingers on a table from your pinky to your index finger compared to index finger to pinky?


Why is it so much easier to tap/drum your fingers on a table from your pinky to your index finger compared to index finger to pinky?

In: 2

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Weird, its the exact opposite for me. Index to pinky is super easy, pinky to index is tough.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think its just muscle memory. So many things we close our fist around and simulate the same shape. Holding a pencil or holding a computer mouse. Pinky gets tucked in under the other fingers and the index finger is the open/pointed finger

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you go from the index finger outwards, you have to suspend your pinky and ring finger up at the same time which is more difficult (those two tendons aren’t as good at working independently). You can train them, as you would if you were learning piano.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’ve built up muscles over your life that make that motion easier. Try consistently doing it from the opposite direction, every day 15-20 times, for about 2 weeks. It’ll suddenly be normal.