why is it that all electricity generation revolves around finde a way to boil water and turn a turbine more efficent

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Why do human electricity generation so focused on efficently boiling water and turning a turbine with it. do we have other ways of generating electricity every power plant i know (coal gas nuclear) does the turbine method ? And why is boiling water and turning a turbine with it so great ?

In: Physics

25 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Turning a generator is the first way we made a significant amount of electricity, and it’s very compatible with the way our electric grids work. Until recently, it was impractical to make the 60Hz AC we use (or 50Hz in some regions) in other ways besides “turn turbine”. 

In 2024 you absolutely CAN make power with a solar cell (DC) or a wind turbine (AC at unpredictable frequencies) then convert it with reasonable efficiency to the 60Hz you need but if you’re running a power grid, especially decades ago because big infrastructure lasts a long time, it’s a lot simpler if your generator just turns at a speed that produces AC power and matches what the grid needs. 

The good ol’ “spinning magnet” can produce 60Hz AC power by spinning 60 times a second, or with 10 sets of magnets it could make 60Hz AC by spinning 6 times a second for example. And if you are spinning that turbine by pushing water or steam through it, you can control that and keep the speed where you need it to be. 

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