Why is it that dreadful tasks such as house cleaning and organization suddenly get done when deadlines for pertinent tasks (studying for exams, work projects) get closer?


Why is it that dreadful tasks such as house cleaning and organization suddenly get done when deadlines for pertinent tasks (studying for exams, work projects) get closer?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So assuming you’re talking about procrastination the reason we procrastinate is because the task we need to do brings up strong negative emotions for us (fear of failure or embarrassment or just not knowing if you’ll be able to complete the task) so we choose to do something else that doesn’t bring up those emotions like cleaning or exercise because they feel easier than facing the emotions even though they aren’t fun activities.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For me, it is not that I do not want the task done, but that I do not want to do it. If I put it off, I might find a way to not do the task, or use it as part of my day interspersed between other more enjoyable tasks. When I run out of time to do it any other time, it comes down to “do I even care if it gets done?” If I still care, I do it anyway and try to get it done ASAP.