Why is it that when we eat multiple things with contrasting flavors we get a mix of flavors instead of an instant switch?


Why is it that when we eat multiple things with contrasting flavors we get a mix of flavors instead of an instant switch?

In: 2

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We have different taste buds that are each sensitive to different types of flavours

So a spicy flavour will activate the spicy taste buds but not activate any of the others

And a sweet flavour will activate the sweet taste buds but not activate any of the others

So if you eat something that is both spicy and sweet you activate both types of taste buds and get the signals from both at the same time

Think of it as being similar to how you get different colours – if you receive both a blue signal and a yellow signal you don’t the two signals separately – they mix together and give you a green signal.

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