Why is it that when you are hungry and you drink a lot of water, you never actually feel “full”?


Why is it that when you are hungry and you drink a lot of water, you never actually feel “full”?

In: 27

7 Answers

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So your stomach produces a hormone called Ghrelin, this hormone tells your brain that is has nothing of substance in it and so needs to be fed.

Aka you get hungry.

A little further down the road in the small intestine there is another hormone that is produced once the food passes through it. When this hormone is produced it says to the brain, I got food so thanks! No longer hungry.

Now this process takes quitte some time in reality so when you hear of people getting a Bypass they do exactly that. They create a bypass that makes food go directly to the small intestine thus giving you an almost instant feeling of being full.

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