Why is it that when you are hungry and you drink a lot of water, you never actually feel “full”?


Why is it that when you are hungry and you drink a lot of water, you never actually feel “full”?

In: 27

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body is asking for protiens, fibers, sugars and fats.

Water has none of these, and passes through the stomach very quickly as there’s nothing to proccess.

You can drink a lot of water to the point of being feeling bloated but thats not full in terms of how your body percieves it.

If I may take the opportunity to add on, if you do still feel very hungry all the time after drinking water and eating a substantial meal it could be a sign of diabetes, as even though your body is recieving the products and hydration it needs it struggles to extract and supply them so your muscles and tissues keep sending signals.

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