Why is it the standard to be paid every month in Europe?


Rather than weekly or bi-weekly

In: 684

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I lived in Asia and Europe and was paid monthly in both. Maybe North America is the anomaly? We are also paid biweekly in Canada.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Weekly payment usuallu for part time workers. Also for construction site labourers, this week they are here next week they on another site

Anonymous 0 Comments

Now to mess with your head. There are some employers that pay every 4 weeks. If you budget your monthly out goings against your 4 weekly salary you end up with a spare month every now and again Z

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m in europe and find the monthly approach nice and simple. India also had all payments and expenses on a monthly instead of weekly or bi-weekly basis. I am more curious why is it bi-weekly in the US?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why are all of these comments assuming people in the US get paid bi-weekly? Many people in the US just get paid twice per month (the 1st and 16th, etc.). That’s 24 payments per month, rather than 26 for bi-weekly. It doesn’t really change the monthly budgeting calculus at all.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As an American who gets paid monthly I hated it at first and thought it was very strange, even sketchy. Now I have grown to like it. It’s easy to manage bills and see me monthly savings.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m in the US and get paid monthly. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Makes budgeting super trivial. No worries about paycheck dates drifting in relation to bill due dates. I get all of my money once a month and I know exactly what I need to put back for bills, I know how much I want to save, and I know how much I have to spend. Easy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are getting paid weekly? 😮

Anonymous 0 Comments

Why does the entire world use metric rather than use imperial? This question has a tiny little regional bias… It’s probably more valid to ask why in the US so many companies pay people biweekly when all over the world monthly is pretty standard.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I think America is the odd-one-out here, much of Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania gets paid Monthly.