Why is it way easier to do a push up that’s pushing full body weight but way harder to bench press that same amount?


Why is it way easier to do a push up that’s pushing full body weight but way harder to bench press that same amount?

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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Push up involves your whole core plus your arms plus your legs a little bit. bench press has your back on a hard surface. bench press is just your arms and chest. 🙂

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not your full body weight. You are using your body as a lever. If you were lifting your full body weight you would be able to lift your feet off the ground too.

Though doing a pushup without your feet on the ground is going to be harder than benching your weight because it would require all your core and leg strength to hold your body out as well as your wrist needing to counter the torque of your body being pulled to the ground. A handstand pushup would alleviate the torque but you would still need to stabilize your whole body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re not pushing the full body weight when you do a pushup though. You’re pushing the weight around a pivot point (your feet). It’s somewhere around 70-75% of your full body weight depending on where you are in the pushup range of motion.


Anonymous 0 Comments

You can increase the percentage of body weight you’re pushing in push up several ways. A couple that come to mind are crossing one leg on top of the other so only one foot is on the ground, elevating your legs (oppositte is true if you need an easier one….elevate your upper body keeping your feet on ground).


Why is it way easier to do a push up that’s pushing full body weight but way harder to bench press that same amount?

In: 0

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Push up involves your whole core plus your arms plus your legs a little bit. bench press has your back on a hard surface. bench press is just your arms and chest. 🙂

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not your full body weight. You are using your body as a lever. If you were lifting your full body weight you would be able to lift your feet off the ground too.

Though doing a pushup without your feet on the ground is going to be harder than benching your weight because it would require all your core and leg strength to hold your body out as well as your wrist needing to counter the torque of your body being pulled to the ground. A handstand pushup would alleviate the torque but you would still need to stabilize your whole body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re not pushing the full body weight when you do a pushup though. You’re pushing the weight around a pivot point (your feet). It’s somewhere around 70-75% of your full body weight depending on where you are in the pushup range of motion.


Anonymous 0 Comments

You can increase the percentage of body weight you’re pushing in push up several ways. A couple that come to mind are crossing one leg on top of the other so only one foot is on the ground, elevating your legs (oppositte is true if you need an easier one….elevate your upper body keeping your feet on ground).