Why is it when you pour something from a bottle it will sometimes just dribble down itself and other times it pours just fine?


Why is it when you pour something from a bottle it will sometimes just dribble down itself and other times it pours just fine?

In: Chemistry

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Air pressure. If the bottle is tipped in such a way that the flow of water does not completely block the tip, then air has the ability to rush in and fill the gap the water is leaving as it pours out.

But if you tip the bottle over to the point at which the water flowing out of it is completely blocking the tip, then everytime some water flows out it creates pressure that makes it harder for the rest of the water to come out, air has to flow up to relieve this pressure, which causes a back and forth oscillation until the water is completely poured out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Water always wants to stick to the bottle, but if you pour fast enough it will get dragged allong with the stream.