Why is learning easier(or seems easier) when we’re young and futile, but as we get older learning gets harder, but understanding more abstract and complex subjects also gets easier?


Like for example the older you get the wiser and more abstract minded you become, but the learning process on the other hand seems to wear down real badly with age, if you want to learn a language learn while you’re still young because language comprehension can only be so decent, right?

Is such mindfuckery, compare to the vocabulary and linguistics of a 25 year old compared to that of say a 10 year old and see the world of difference, of course some learn fasters than others and who knows sometimes kids can be smarter than adults, but is the brain just more or less plasticy when we’re younger? But then why does brain processing speed peak around ages 16-19 according to so many infographics that I’ve seen.

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5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There’s a lot at play here. One additional factor to consider is metacognitive strategies, meaning how you choose to think about and organize your own learning.

A more experienced learner is naturally better at learning things for this reason—they have better intuition about what to focus on, how to spend time, what to take a second look at, etc.

Another aspect is the affective dimension (how you feel about learning). Young kids have the advantage of not worrying too much about looking stupid as they sort through making sense of complicated things, which can inhibit our learning later on. But conversely, kids can get frustrated and quit much more easily than (some) adults who have stronger emotional self-regulation. All of these affect your ability to learn.

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