why is liability insurance only inconsistent and dependent on my car if it’s only damages I cause someone else


why is liability insurance only inconsistent and dependent on my car if it’s only damages I cause someone else

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The type of vehicle you drive has an impact on how you may drive (somebody with high horsepower Mustang is likely to drive more recklessly than somebody with a Toyota Corolla) and the amount of damage your vehicle might do (say that Corolla vs. a giant pick-up) were it in an accident.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of its is data. Simple data such as “how many accidents where this year make and model was at fault, and how much damages were caused” and more targeted such as “this is a larger/heavier vehicle so more likely to cause damage in the first place and more likely to cause lots of damage” I dont know much more cause I was only service, I didn’t even do claims stuff.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Insurance companies will have access to a ton of data on all sorts of variables that contribute to accidents, or how much those accidents will cost on average. There will probably be some statistic they could point to to prove that people who drive X car are more likely to cost them money than those who drive Y car