Why is liquid detergent better to use in washing machines than powdered?


We have a washing machine that specifically says to use powdered detergent, but a mechanic that came to fix a problem said that liquid detergent allows the machine to last longer.

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquid is pre-dissolved, so is easier to handle. But on the other hand, if you have a timer set to begin the wash, powder is easier to control. Always remember that the stuff in product manuals isn’t the truth, it’s all about marketing, positioning their product in a specific way.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The powder dissolves better in hot water. If it doesn’t dissolve completely it can build up in the various pumps and pipes over time causing failure.

Most of us use cold to wash clothes. Liquid dissolves better in cold water than the powdered kind.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I guess the powder can have more trouble dissolving, and it could leave clumps around that could corrode stuff. But this is just a guess.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquid is probably better for machines due to less solids gunking up things.

Liquid is also bad for the environment as added water weights a lot in transit

Anonymous 0 Comments

Liquid dissolves better and doesn’t gum up insides of a washer. Everyone said that already.

Every so often I run a washer with a cup of mr clean. With my last used washer I had to do it few times before machine was cleaned. Soap build up is what often kills machine.