why is mixing bleach and other chemicals so dangerous?


I know that it is dangerous to mix certain chemicals, but why? Like what would happen if I were to mix a gallon of bleach and ammonia in my sink, or bleach and vinegar?

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9 Answers

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Bleach is made with Chlorine.

Ammonia and other chemicals can break the bonds that keep the chlorine in the bleach and make it return to its natural, gaseous form.

Chlorine gas combines with water to create hydrochloric acid.

If you breathe in chlorine gas, your wet lungs will suddenly be filled with acid and start to dissolve.

If you mixed a gallon of ammonia and bleach in your home, you would fill it with deadly gas that would kill everyone and nearly everything inside.

The same happens with vinegar. It releases the highly reactive, highly corrosive elemental chlorine gas into the air.

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